Sunday, December 21, 2008

Happy Holiday!

To all the moho's and friends of moho's and people who stumbled upon this blog accidentally and are frantically hitting the back button on their browser...Merry Christmas!!!

This could be an interesting Christmas for me. I am still fairly early in the coming out process. I have told less than ten people. But I have convinced myself to come out to at least three people over the holidays, one of which is a sibling. Scary! Although when I say "convinced," I actually mean I hope to but know that there is a good chance I will back out.

Anyway, hope you all have a great holiday!!


Josch Beres said...

Oooo.Good luck! I will be praying that all goes well. You have to keep us updated! Good luck and happy holidays!

Bravone said...

I have a similar desire. I want to tell my younger brother and my parents. Should be interesting. I will if you will!

Sarah said...

The more people you come out to, the easier it gets. I remember how scary it was for Scott and I the first few times.

Good luck, hang in there, and remember that no matter what happens or how people react, it is still an important part of your journey and I don't think you will regret it.

Merry Christmas!

LDS Pride said...

Don't speak too fast, Bravone, or I'll hold you to it. I've already told my parents, so you can go ahead and start with them. In a week, you'll have to tell your brother too!!

Thanks everyone for the support :)

Bravone said...

Dude, I guess I am committed:) I'll let you know how it goes. How did it go with the parents?

Anonymous said...

Good luck in telling those you love. Have a Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I just wanted to say how much I appreciate the things you've shared in your blog. I hope the time will come when anyone who comes out will be simply and casually accepted, loved and supported. I am also a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter~day Saints ~ straight female. I know that the Lord wants so strongly for everyone to feel the healing embrace of His love. He wants everyone to know their worth and divine potential as He knows them. Thanks for seeking Him out and fighting the good fight. My temptations may be different from yours, but the theme is the same ~ discipleship or rejection, peace or self~gratification, marriage to our own desires, or to the One who made Himself our Bridegroom. What a gift to walk with the Master and be counted His friend. the One who put Himself beneath all things in order to overcome all things on our behalf. The one who denied Himself to the very end, that we might have life eternal with Him. And as you've shared here, it is the way of peace, and joy, that buoys us in the storms of grief, loneliness, weakness, or temptation. And the way of rejoicing in our triumphs, our successes, our constant metamorphosis into what He is. May you continue to feel Him walking with you on your journey. And may many of our brothers and sisters find in your courage and your faith, courage and faith of their own.

With love...

LDS Pride said...

Thank you so much for your words, Heather. I imagine you are source of strength for many people. I love how you break it down...discipleship or is that simple. Much love!